Bamboo Teahouse
Hello there! My name's Jackie and I've completed an Art Fundamentals Certificate program at Seneca @ York. I'm deeply interested in Electronic Sports and Professional Gaming and hope to spread its influence in Canada.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Contour, Baby...I Love You.
As the title suggests, I love contours. I love blind contours, quick contours, snail-paced-I'm-going-to-gouge-my-eyes-out-because-they-hurt-so-much contours, tactile contours...I just love 'em. Some of these contour drawings were done on the subway (like the extremely shaky red hand) and others were done in life drawing. However, I need to get away from relying on contours too much. I'm trying to go back to the boxes to understand structure more, but as well, I'm going to review my Art Fundamentals training as I keep going to X-life.
A Break From The Norm: Which Animal Personality Are You?
A side note and a slight break from Art, I recently took a test for the heck of it that one of my friends sent me. You can take this test as well at
Basically, it asks what's your Animal Magnetism in the world of "L'Amour". Have fun guys. I know I did, hehe.
Jacqueline, you're a Tiger in the wild world of love.
Grrrr. Go get 'em, Tiger! You know what you want and how to get it. And with your powerful stealth and impressive attitude — who are we to tell you otherwise? You're a natural predator in the lush jungle of love. With plenty of poise, power, and perfect timing, you'll charm the pants off any target you set your sights on. You've got beauty and grace that's irresistible to most who cross your path. Your territory is so well marked, it's not surprising that you sometimes can be a bit of a loner instead of hanging with the pack.
Sophisticated and discriminating, you set your standards high when out hunting for love. Trendy new hot spots are probably your typical habitat — though any place you can find sleek, beautiful mates is good in your book. Your confidence and charm will certainly get your partner purring. And whether it's your bold patterns or the stealthy way you pounce, there's just something people can't resist about you.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Anatomy For The Fundamental Arist?
Okie dokie, some old stuff that we did in Seneca's Fundamentals program. Learning about muscles and skeletons are so hard. Especially when you have to take a piece of art from Anatomy Lessons From The Great Masters, and then draw the skeleton INSIDE THE WORK OF ART! I must say though, I learnt a lot from this assignment and I'm glad that now I know a little more about the human body.
The very bottom man is a character I created for my Stylistic Drawing Class in Fundies. It was this hero type guy called "The Protector" set in a futuristic setting on Earth. The planet was overrun by aliens, like an alien "Enforcer", and this "Protector" was Earth's last hope *insert cliche music theme here* . Oh well, I was happy how he turned out.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Third Time's A Charm
Yorkdale Mall Sketching = Fun!
People who pass out at the mall dining area are hilarious. They also make greeeaatttt models. I highly recommend cafe sketching to anyone just learning how to draw, or anyone in art for that matter. There's something about cafe sketching that reminds me of the old romantic era of Paris and Italy. Maybe it's the whole idea of the romantic artist, but some day I want to go there and do the REAL "cafe" sketching. Oh well, I can dream crazily can't I?
Going back to Bobby Chiu's teachings of Linear Structure, I attempted to use this new technique on an unlikely character, my neighbour's cat, Arthur. Arthur is a black cat that is ridicoulously friendly, not to mention weird. Anyways, the point is, he has a great face and I really tried to structure it out here. I just wish he would stay still sometimes...
There's nothing like a pidgeon to brighten up a bad sketch day.
There was a guy named Mark at Bobby's Sketchgroup and I attempted to caricature him, or at least make a drawing that resembled him...somewhat. Haha! I got a long way to go. Although, he did have a beard, and glasses, and hat, something just doesn't feel right, and I think it could guessed it, STRUCTURE! Back to the drawing board ;)
I couldn't get enough of Arthur, so I drew more of him.
Skimping on the hair so I can concentrate on the face. Baby steps..
Monday, May 22, 2006
Second Post In A Day? On A Roll, Baby!
I put this one up for the sake of improvement. This page is a little better than most of the pages in my skethbooks, so I figured, heck give myself some credit. I had some friends comment on the top left head. I think I just completed my first small step towards comprehending the enormous task set out before me called "Linear Structure". Compliments a la Bobby Chiu Sketchgroup.
I really like that guy's mustache. However, I hate the proportion problems I always have with skulls and the chins. I seem to elongate noses and lips and chins. I should fix jaws as well. Bleh.
This page wasn't too bad. I had a lot of fun with guys with earphones. It seems everyone has a music player these days. Including me. Oooh!! Note to self, start doing daily self-portraits.
A random doodle in the sketchbook. I kinda like him.
An exercise in creativity. Scribble something down on the paper if you can't think of anything to draw. It's best if you just stare ahead and let your hand do the thinking. Then when you think your hand has had enough, look down and draw exactly what you think you see. In this case, I saw a lizard thingy. The only trouble is getting it to look like it's structured. BLAST YOU STRUCTURE! I'll GET YOU SOMEDAY!
Sunday Bloody
Faces, Faces, Faces. You can be so pleased to see a face that you adore, remember, have touched, have lovingly gazed at, and other times you loathe the very sight of someone. Then again, that's if you can remember the face of a person at all, ha ha. Anyways, enough poetic brain regurgitation. I drew this face on my way to work. I'm finding it harder and harder to get some drawing time in as my job at Future Shop grows more intense by the day.
After attending my very first Bobby Chiu Sketchgroup session on Sunday, May 7th, 2006, I realized that I had become more passionate about my drawing. I had this burning desire to get better. I am currently trying to follow Bobby's teachings of linear structure and the sketches hopefully will improve over time. My willingness to put myself through hell by learning something new comes first, and I'm positive that the improvement will come later. I just need patience and a will to persevere. Dedication? Piece of cake ;)
Oh god, the structure....tremble and quake in fear....*shudder*
Now here was something interesting. I have never had a person realize that I'm drawing them before. As soon as this person saw my pencil scratching madly at it's arch nemesis "Mr. Tony Toned Paper" he became abnormally more magazine-coveresque. He brushed his hair (which I might add was really effing cool) to the side, adjusted his earphones, and smiled as I drew. What a cutie.
American Idols from a magazine. I tried to realize the structure on something that wasn't moving, however, I usually hate doing this, because it always feels like the drawing comes out dead and flat.