Sunday, August 06, 2006

Trying Something Different: Give Me Life!

August 6th, 2006,

I wanted to try something a little different. After a life drawing session, I had a conversation with the life drawing model and I asked her to take a look at some of my stuff. My boxes weren't really working for me, so she suggested I try something else. I couldn't completely agree more. I also spoke with some of my friends today at Bobby Chiu's Sketchgroup, and they also suggested I work on a different approach to faces. There is no set method of drawing. Drawing lot's of boxes is only a one way of many to get perspective and plane changes. I personally find boxes a little too containing for me, rather, I think I like to just imagine the boxes now then draw inside those imaginary boxes, except on paper. I hope I'll continue to work this method out because today wasn't a bad drawing day for me.

It's been a good weekend so far. I can't wait until the real drawing starts in September...until then, continuation of drawing and life drawing should be helping me out.


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