Monday, May 22, 2006

Second Post In A Day? On A Roll, Baby!

I put this one up for the sake of improvement. This page is a little better than most of the pages in my skethbooks, so I figured, heck give myself some credit. I had some friends comment on the top left head. I think I just completed my first small step towards comprehending the enormous task set out before me called "Linear Structure". Compliments a la Bobby Chiu Sketchgroup.

I really like that guy's mustache. However, I hate the proportion problems I always have with skulls and the chins. I seem to elongate noses and lips and chins. I should fix jaws as well. Bleh.

This page wasn't too bad. I had a lot of fun with guys with earphones. It seems everyone has a music player these days. Including me. Oooh!! Note to self, start doing daily self-portraits.

A random doodle in the sketchbook. I kinda like him.

An exercise in creativity. Scribble something down on the paper if you can't think of anything to draw. It's best if you just stare ahead and let your hand do the thinking. Then when you think your hand has had enough, look down and draw exactly what you think you see. In this case, I saw a lizard thingy. The only trouble is getting it to look like it's structured. BLAST YOU STRUCTURE! I'll GET YOU SOMEDAY!


At 11:54 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.


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