Sunday, August 06, 2006

Subway Sketching: Just The Four Of Us

Today, I went sketching with some friends. There was only four of us, but we had a blast none the less. It's amazing what kind of conversations you can have with a small group of people. They say going to places where large groups of people gather, like parties, can stimulate your mental/social skills. I think that's true of course, but there's something much more intimate and personal when it's just your friends and you doing the thing you want to do for the rest of your life. Or maybe, at least to get better at. :)

So, in my before post, I believe setting aside boxes for now, will be my best bet to tackling faces. It seems that I tighten up subconsciously when I draw boxes, trying to get them "perfect" and "in perspective", puts a lot of strain on your brain. What I believe happens for me is, I concentrate too much on making the box look perfect, and not enough concentration on making my faces look human and alive. So, I'm just going to get away from the boxes for now, but use a different process to attain the same results. We'll see how it goes.


At 1:21 a.m., Blogger Seo Kim said...

Your life drawings look great!


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