Saturday, June 10, 2006

Two Heads Are Better Than One...Or In This Case...A Gajillion

I was lucky enough to attend a Bobby Sketch Group again thanks to Future Shop giving me a Sunday off, and I'm happy to say I think I'm on the right track with trying to understand linear structure. Bobby was kind enough to quell any fears I had about diving into a new technique. I'm glad that I got my friends to go, too. It makes the experience all the more enriching. Oh! I found myself in an unlikely place in the newspaper. My name is not mentioned, but I'm definitely there. Check it out Mom! (

"Around Islington station, now headed eastbound, Mr. Chiu has his sketchbook out, showing a young woman here on her first time an example. "You have a jaw line here . . . and you continue to build." Mr. Chiu says, guiding his pencil over the page. "Lines can be drawn plain and simple . . . or in all sorts of ways."

HA ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! It's good to be a Fundie.

Ps: The first few sketches were done at Yorkdale mall with my friend Nate and as well, on the subway. The drawing with the two people wrapping their arms around each other were too cute to pass up. The markered drawing is by Bobby's touch. He corrected my structure and now I have to focus on accuracy.


At 1:33 a.m., Blogger Noname said...

I'll probably end up checking ur blog fairly often, as I've taken a strong liking to this work of yours, so keep it up and looking forward to some more ^^


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