Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Subway Sketching Continuation of New Process

So, here it is. More of my thing, less of strained boxes. I think I'm going to try to be a little loser, but now that I have some more knowledge of form and planes as well as boxes and sculpting the forms out. I'm going to try to imagine that instead of drawing a restrictive box. Here's to you, kid.

Panda Power! Oh It's Back, Baby!


So, this is some studies of pandas and brown bears I'm doing for the Design Challenge Blog that some Senecans started up. some drawings are from "The Art Of Animal Drawing" and they really are helping me understand volumes. go check out the site on the right side of the links. top one.

Pandas are an inside joke and one of my friend Nate (see links) suggested I do a royal panda counselor. I coulnd't have made a better choice. I'm having too much fun drawing my panda counterpart in a design. First I wanted to study masses and bone structure, then figure out poses and attitude to describe his royalness. More roughs on the way.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Subway Sketching: Just The Four Of Us

Today, I went sketching with some friends. There was only four of us, but we had a blast none the less. It's amazing what kind of conversations you can have with a small group of people. They say going to places where large groups of people gather, like parties, can stimulate your mental/social skills. I think that's true of course, but there's something much more intimate and personal when it's just your friends and you doing the thing you want to do for the rest of your life. Or maybe, at least to get better at. :)

So, in my before post, I believe setting aside boxes for now, will be my best bet to tackling faces. It seems that I tighten up subconsciously when I draw boxes, trying to get them "perfect" and "in perspective", puts a lot of strain on your brain. What I believe happens for me is, I concentrate too much on making the box look perfect, and not enough concentration on making my faces look human and alive. So, I'm just going to get away from the boxes for now, but use a different process to attain the same results. We'll see how it goes.

Trying Something Different: Give Me Life!

August 6th, 2006,

I wanted to try something a little different. After a life drawing session, I had a conversation with the life drawing model and I asked her to take a look at some of my stuff. My boxes weren't really working for me, so she suggested I try something else. I couldn't completely agree more. I also spoke with some of my friends today at Bobby Chiu's Sketchgroup, and they also suggested I work on a different approach to faces. There is no set method of drawing. Drawing lot's of boxes is only a one way of many to get perspective and plane changes. I personally find boxes a little too containing for me, rather, I think I like to just imagine the boxes now then draw inside those imaginary boxes, except on paper. I hope I'll continue to work this method out because today wasn't a bad drawing day for me.

It's been a good weekend so far. I can't wait until the real drawing starts in September...until then, continuation of drawing and life drawing should be helping me out.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Return To Blind Contour: Quick Contour Study

Quick contour study. 10 mins, thursday, august 4th, 2006. Starting to wind down and just trying to take it easy. Going to try to draw for fun now, as silly as that sounds. I find that when I'm not pressuring myself to do something, I usually do better. When you wanna get better at drawing, you can't try too too hard. :)

Jig Saw Puzzle: Can You Unscramble It?!