Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Promotion! Art Fundie to SENECA ANIMATOR!

Woahhhhhhh my god! After 2 hrs of sleep from the night before tweaking some fundie projects, I woke up Tuesday, 28th of March, at 8am to tweak some more. I finished my stuff, walked to school, and took a deep breath to face my 2nd most important day of the year...

Today, (well yeseterday now, I guess), I had a meeting with one of the program coordinators at Seneca regarding my animation portfolio score. I was lucky enough to be able to talk with him since realistically, I should have been made to wait longer for my results to come through the Ontario College Application Service.

After some waiting (he had to get out of a meeting), I finally was able to speak mono-a-mono with Mark Jones. What happened next was intensely nerve-racking. After battling what seemed like an eternity, I finally heard the words I so longed to hear, "well, you will most likely recieve an offer of admission into animation".

Heart pounding, body shaking, my mind nearly exploded on me. After such a build-up of tension with me waiting for him to type in his computer, he told me exactly what score this little unknown person standing in front of him was waiting for. The words dribbled over me as if it was sweet nectar melting over the most exquisite delecacies you've ever had. I had scored a 9! A freaking 9 out of a possible 10!!! Walking into this, I was hoping for at least an 8 and something in the ranges of 7. It blew my mind that I had done so well.

I politely thanked Mark and as I was leaving his office, I couldn't take it anymore. I wasn't even two steps out when I started giggling manically. I picked up my pace, started running, hopping, dancing, fists pumping into the air as a sign of victory, accomplishment and achievement. I ran to everyone who possibly knew me to tell them the good news. Today was a very good day. I just hope my friends will be able to feel the way I felt today when they find out their scores.

I guess you could say this is a cinderella story. A summer's worth of art lessons, a less than strong background in high school art, and a year's worth of SENECA FUNDIES of working your ass off until you pass out in exhaustion in front of your classes, will get you where you need to go. My advice to any fundies who have high hopes of getting into animation: Attitude is everything. With it, you can do anything. Being able to do hard work will follow, you just got to be willing to bear the pain and push yourself to the best of your abilities. Surround yourself with people who encourage you, support you, and help you through the glistening days and the late nights of work. Befriend your classmates, you can always learn something from those who are better than you, but as well, those who are worse. I'll probably have more tidbits as I complete this art fundies blog. My mind is a little tired. I'll continue another day.


At 4:36 p.m., Blogger DAKILA said...

Hey Jackie congrats on getting in!

Don't worry, you'll always be a fundy to us! You'll always be welcome in B class, but now you can sleep and work in your own cubicle!

Seriously though, congrats on getting in, your portfolio was pretty rockin. Can't wait to see your future animations.

At 5:42 p.m., Blogger Lynn Sibley said...

congrats, jackie!
congrats from mary and candice
yaay, awesome

At 4:01 a.m., Blogger Riè said...

Hi Jackie. :D

Congratulations on getting in. I knew you would when I saw your life drawings.

I have a similar story when it came to my accpetence. Except I was TOO AFRAID to ask the program coordinator and the suspense was driving me insane for about a month until I recieved "ZE BIG ENVELOPE" XD Yeah... even if I saw the program coordinator (JoAnn, whom I knew pretty well), I'd just be like... "Hi. How'er you?" and I'd avoid the subject completely.

You can do anything if you really really try. Just don't stop, now that you're in. Some people seem to lose their energy once they're in and slack of a bit and that gets them in trouble.

Anyway, see you around. :D


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