Wednesday, March 29, 2006

First Semester Fundie Photography

This is one of my very first pictures taken from first semester photography class at Seneca's Art Fundamental's program. I really had a fun time with all the pictures and I actually got to travel a bit and have quite an adventure. Some things were photoshopped for colour, sharpness, and cropping, but other than that, most of the pictures are in their original condition. Holding digital cameras with super shaky small hands is not for the faint of heart.

More Bark - I found this strangely appealing to my senses.

Grass - Who knew it could be so interesting. Cows must have a time with this stuff.

Tree Leaf - Beautiful even with all it's imperfections.

Feather - Definitely didn't expect it'd look this cool in the lenses. The lines are dynamic which makes me really love looking at this. It's amazing how we pass by such a dirty thing, only to find out as an artist, you can attempt to make it beautiful, more beautiful than it already is.

Bark - reminded me of some cavernous mountain range of some sort. Other than that, I just took a picture of it for the sake of taking it. No hidden emotions in this one.

York University - thought I'd play around a bit with lines and perspective. I've always wanted to do a picture of a long winding road with trees on both sides, but I guess I can only use what I got.

Queen Subway Station

Queen St. Again

Eaton Centre - freaked the crap out of myself with this one. Here's my mentality at the mall:

"Okay, so take the escalators to the 2nd take off the cover...right, okay make sure I put the camera over the railings....holy sh*t I'm falling! Breathe, breathe, you're not falling Jacqueline....okay...*click*, oh sh*t the flash was on! HIDE HIDE! Okay, wait from some people to pass to take more pictures, that idiot down there was picking his nose..."

and so on and so forth. Taking pictures at high places when you're afraid of heights isn't exactly the best situation to be in. Then again, I'm proud of myself for getting a shot and at least being able to make it through the ordeal alive.

Queen St.

TTC - Same flash paranoia with the Eaton Centre. Apparently people didn't notice, or didn't care.

Logitech - Photoshopped the blue with curves.

Nano - Nane on a lightbox, photoshopped for some colour tinting.

Wine - no flash created a warm undertone for me. Wine over a lightbox is quite nice.


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